Parent's needs

Study on parent's needs in their involvement in their childen's schooling


The study "Parents’ needs", conducted under the supervision of  professors Catherine Ratelle, Stéphane Duchesne, André Plamondon, David Litalien and Julien Bureau from the Education Faculty at Laval University, is about parents' psychological needs in their involvement in their children's schooling.      

This project is funded by the Fonds québécois de recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) and by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).


This study encompasses three components: 1) the conduct of focus groups in order to identify the causes of parents’ satisfaction and insatisfaction of psychological needs, 2) a panquébécoise inquiry to validate the conceptualization of the sources related to parental need satisfaction, and 3) an observational study to validate the data obtained from the inquiry.


The first objective of this study is to identify parenting determinants most likely to support the satisfaction of parental need satisfaction.


The second objective is to describethe sources of parental need satisfaction and their effects on parents schooling involvement.


The third objective is to validate data with parent-child dyad observations.


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